Practitioner Profile

Justina Ford

Company Name
Soulfully Aligned You
Job Title
Certified Master Splankna Practitioner and Brand Strategist
Career-Calling, Financial-Wellness, Spiritual Direction, Personal & Professional Brand Strategy, Brand Visibility & Authentic Self-Expression
Justina has six years of experience as a trauma-informed inner healing practitioner and personal brand strategist. She is dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey toward profesional growth, personal growth and emotional well-being. Skilled in providing compassionate and empathetic guidance, she is committed to assisting clients in overcoming challenges, fostering resilience, and achieving their personal and professional goals. With a solid foundation in inner healing and mind-body theories and techniques, she establishes trusting relationships with clients from diverse backgrounds. She works collaboratively with licensed professionals to ensure comprehensive care. Her strong organizational and administrative skills enable her to maintain accurate records and uphold ethical standards. She seeks to continue contributing her skills and compassion to facilitate positive change and promote emotional healing online and within her community. - Masters in Human Service Counseling with a concentration in Business from Liberty University - Bachelors in Psychology from University of Mount Olive - Master Certified Emotional FreedomTechnique/Thought Field Therapy Practitioner - Certification in Women’s Entrepreneurship from Cornell University - ICF Certifed Radiant Leadership Coach
(912) 532-0953
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